WASPaLM - World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Laboratory Biosafety Manuel

Biosafety Manual

For more than 20 years, since it was first published in 1983, the Laboratory Biosafety Manual has provided practical guidance on biosafety techniques for use in laboratories at all levels.

For this new edition, the manual has been extensively revised and expanded. The manual now covers risk assessment and safe use of recombinant DNA technology, and provides guidelines for the comissioning and cetification of laboratories. Laboratory biosecurity concepts are introduced, and the latest regulations for the transport of infectious substances are reflected. Material on safety in health-care laboratories, previously published elsewhere by WHO, has also been incorporated.

3rd edition, 2004, viii + 178 pages, ISBN 92 4 154650 6,(WHO Order Nº 1153213)
Sw.fr. 50.--/US$45.00
This manual is available in Portuguese, French, Spanish and English.

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